We ensure harm reduction programs have sustainable & equitable access to low-cost naloxone for distribution in their communities.
Remedy Alliance's work
Access to naloxone isn’t just a funding issue. Barriers to accessing low-cost naloxone are a result of the decades-long war on drugs. We’re working to eliminate barriers from three different angles:

We negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for cheaper naloxone prices and distribute naloxone to harm reduction programs
Get naloxoneTechnical Assistance
We help you navigate the complexities of establishing and scaling a naloxone distribution program.
Get supportResearch
We contribute to research and publications that amplify evidence-based harm reduction practices.
Get the facts
Naloxone for the people (that’s you!)
We’re here to help harm reduction programs get naloxone into the hands of people who are most likely to witness an overdose - people who use drugs.
How to get naloxone for your program:
Fill out an application
If you’re approved, we’ll give you access to our catalog and pricing
Place your order and get naloxone shipped directly to your program

Are you an individual looking for naloxone for yourself or your loved ones? Check out our partners at NEXT Distro to find naloxone near you.
Thank you

Visionaries, mentors and teachers
Dan Bigg, whose vision and tenacity started it all. Holly Bradford, for your radical and no-bullshit self, always pushing us to be better. Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta, our advisor, and friend. Alice Bell, who has done the lion’s share of coordination for 13 years. All of the activists, advocates, radical doctors, and researchers who have worked for 25 years to get naloxone into the hands of people who use drugs.

People who use drugs
For the tens of thousands of lives you have saved, for your resilience in the face of relentless threats to your safety and well-being. For all of those we have lost to the violence of the war on drugs.

Harm Reduction programs
The programs that make up RA/FTP are out there every day taking care of each other and working to direct resources to people who use drugs despite systematic and structural exclusion from mainstream public health and health care systems. You are the backbone of naloxone distribution in this country. Your work may be invisibilized by the dominant power structures, but we see you.
Photos left to right: Chicago Recovery Alliance Van (Scott Olson/Getty Images), Overdose Awareness Day, San Francisco (photo by Terry Morris), Anna McConnell holding a bottle of naloxone at Glide’s needle exchange in San Francisco (photo by Mike Koozmin)

Photo source is unknown.
Activists have been fighting for accessible naloxone since 1996
Learn the history of naloxone
Artwork by Mx Leeway @leewaycat